Compressed Calendar Study and Survey Reports

The 2023 Chabot-Las Positas Community College Distirict (CLPCCD) Compressed Calendar Exploration Study below was part of a 2-phase reearch initiative of the Alternative Academic Calendar Committee (AACC) to understand the perspectives and opinions of students and employees as part of the study on the benefits and liabilities of changing the academic calendar of Chabot College and Las Positas College from semesters of 17.5/18 weeks to 16 weeks. The purpose of this research study was to gather broader input on the possible impacts on students and employeees. 

Compressed Calendar Exploration Study 

The Compressed Calendar surveys closed on November 13, 2023. Below are Employee Survey and Student Survey Report weblinks for the total population and by subgroup in order to protect the anonymity of small groups. 

Employee Survey

Student Survey